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Cusco City Tour

Half Day Tour




Half Day


3,700 mts




The City Tour in Cusco is a spectacular tour of the city where you can feel the magic of the Andean culture visiting the most important archaeological sites. It is an excellent alternative to get to know the city before visiting Machu Picchu or other places.

Cusco is considered a city with a living culture because customs are still maintained from Inca times even through the Colonial period, this makes many travelers prefer it as the main option when deciding where to spend their vacations.

This experience is designed for people of all ages. You can do it individually and thus meet new people, also as a couple or with friends with whom to share emotions and also as a family to live an unforgettable adventure.

Click to see travellers’ testimonials for inspiration on your next Peru adventure.

Why book this tour?
Get to know the Basilica of the Cathedral and the Qoricancha.
Tour the extensive esplanade of Saqsayhuaman.
Discover the mysteries of Qenqo.
Appreciate the sunset from Pukapukara.
Summary Itinerary

Day 01: City Tour in Cusco Half Day (Morning)

  • 08:30 – 09:00 Pick up from your hotel to start the City Tour experience
  • 09:00 – 10:00 Visit the Qoricancha or Temple of the Sun to learn more about the Inca culture.
  • 10:00 – 14:30 We move to the upper part of the city to enjoy the tour of the main archaeological centers (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara and Tambomachay).
  • The end point in Cusco is at Plaza San Francisco at approximately 2:30 p.m.

Day 01: City Tour in Cusco Half Day (Afternoon)

  • 13:00 – 13:30 Pick up from your hotel to start the City Tour experience.
  • 13:30 – 15:00 Visit to the Cathedral of Cusco and the Qoricancha or Temple of the Sun.
  • 15:00 – 18:30 Tour of the main archaeological centers (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara and Tambomachay).
  • The final point in Cusco is at Plaza San Francisco at approximately 18:30 pm.
    Detailed Itinerary

    The city of Cusco was initially the center of the Inca civilization, in its extraordinary streets we find the history that over the years has not dissipated and is more present, this experience allows us to know the main places in the city such as:

    • The Basilica of the Cathedral of Cusco: It is located in the main square of the city, it is a colonial archaeological monument of great artistic and historical value, it was built on the Kiswar Kancha site, which was the place of residence of the 8th Inca ruler, the Inca Viracocha. The Temple of the Holy Family and the Temple of El Triunfo were also built on this same Inca site. Inside you can see the carved wood works such as the Choir, the Pulpit and the Altars, in the same way beautiful paintings of the Cusco school and works in embossed silver.
    • The Qoricancha Temple: It was the most important religious center within the city built to worship the Sun (the most important Deity in the time of the Incas) and other deities (Stars, Rainbows, Lightning and Moon). On the foundations of the Qoricancha, the Santo Domingo temple was built and it also has beautiful paintings from the Cusco school in its colonial art gallery.
    • Sacsayhuaman: It was built using large stones, joined with amazing precision simulating a puzzle, for a long time it was considered a fortress due to the height of its walls, however current studies consider it to be a multifunctional center since it has a storage sector and also religious. We will also enjoy the wonderful viewpoint that we have in the place to see the city. At present, the Inti Raymi festival is held in this place. We will also enjoy the wonderful viewpoint that we have in place to see the city..
    • Qenqo (Labyrinth): Considered as an Inca ceremonial center. An open space called an amphitheater stands out where its idols and mummies were found in the 19 trapezoidal niches it has, although it is currently up to half its true height due to the passage of time.
    • Puka pukara: It has a name in Quechua that means the red fortress, the reddish color that it shows is due to the large amount of iron that its stones contain, it is deduced that the place was an old tambo that served as a rest and also to guard, according to some records. this place is probably the original Tambomachay since this place has a small cave.
    • Tambomachay: This archaeological complex is made up of a set of finely carved stones, waterfalls and aqueducts from nearby fountains and springs, which is why it is related to the cult of water and for this reason the original name of the place is probably Quinua Puquio which refers to the worship of Water.

    What's Included?

    • Detailed briefing: It is carried out before the start of the service (The briefing is a complete orientation, explaining everything about the tour. In addition, any questions you may have about it will be clarified).

    • Small groups: We always handle an adequate amount of people, personalized shared tour style.

    • First level guide:Professional tour guide specialized in cultural tourism (English/Spanish).

    • Tourist transport: Travel by tourist transport to visit Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pukapukara and Tambomachay.

    • Entrance tickets: For the Cathedral, Qoricancha and the Partial Tourist Ticket (Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pukapukara and Tambomachay).

    Not Included
    • Foods: These can be requested.

    • Personal expenses and Tips: How to buy handicrafts, clothes, drinks, etc. Tips are not included either, these are voluntary according to the service received.

    Frequent Questions

    Is it necessary to contract the service with a travel agency?

    Yes, we currently have a much more rigid system due to the circumstances in which we find ourselves with this in mind, it is important to understand that our best option is to visit the destinations in the company of a formal travel agency such as MACHU PICCHU TOP AGENCY who offers this type security with experienced guides who will support us at all times.

    What income do I need to visit all the places mentioned?

    For this adventure we consider 3 incomes:

    • The Partial Tourist Ticket that allows us to visit the archaeological destinations of Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pukapukara and Tambomachay.
    • The entrance to the Cathedral of Cusco
    • The entrance to the temple of the Sun or Qoricancha.

    To facilitate the process we take care of all these details.

    How is service provided in times of Covid?

    As a formal company, our main objective is that your trip be completely safe without neglecting comfort and quality of care. Before providing the service, all vehicles are properly disinfected. Likewise, at the beginning we have a temperature control, hand disinfection and the distance between travelers is respected since there is always an unoccupied seat. For everyone's safety, the use of a face mask or chinstrap at all times is necessary and within transport we must also use a personal face mask.

    How big is the group in shared service?

    Our services have always been differentiated mainly by the customization of the adventure, this also involves small groups. In normal times this experience is made up of a maximum of 13 people, however with the current situation we reduce it to groups of 8 people to ensure that everyone has direct attention with the tour guide.

    What To Bring?


    Small backpack, rain poncho (January and February – rainy season), warm clothes for the night.

    Health and Care

    Sunscreen, sunglasses, insect repelent, sun hat, Small towel, Bottled water, Personal medication.

    Useful Items

    Passport, Cash in soles, Camera, charging cord, Extra batteries.

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    Very Easy

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