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Q'eswachaka Inca Bridge

Full Day Tour




1 Day


4,000 mts


Canas, Cusco


The visit to the Inca Bridge of Q'eswachaka 1 day is a classic adventure, where we can visit one of the most impressive cultural attractions. It is a good option for nature preferences and do not have many days. On this route we will observe beautiful landscapes typical of the high Andean areas, where you will have a connection with nature.

This experience is intended for all people who have an adequate and optimal state of health in the face of the necessary requirement, you can do it individually to be able to meet new people, as a couple or with friends with whom to share emotions and also as a family to live a unforgettable adventure.

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Why book this tour?
Meet the last handmade Inca bridge.
Reach a new record, reaches 4000 msnm.
Disconnect from the routine and connect with nature.
Summary Itinerary

Day 01: Q'eswachaka Inca Bridge

  • 07:00 – 07:15 Start with the pick up from your hotel and travel to the south of Cusco to reach the 4 lagoons.
  • 09:20 – 10:10 Free time to enjoy a quiet moment near the lagoons and then we will see the small volcano of Pabellones.
  • 10:00 – 14:00 Arrival at the Queswachaca sector. We will have the opportunity to cross the Inca bridge from both sides.
  • 14:00 – 15:00 Upon returning we can have a visit to the Colonial Bridge of Checacupe where you will be able to see the differences between both bridges.
  • 15:00 – 17:00 Return trip from Checacupe to Cusco.
  • The end point in Cusco is at Plaza San Francisco at approximately 6:00 p.m.
Detailed Itinerary

This destination is perfect to learn more about the architectural tradition of Inca times, this bridge is made from the natural flora of the place and has an amazing history. On our trip we can see:

Q’eswachaka: It is located in the Canas sector, it is a rope bridge made with Inca techniques and knowledge which has passed from generation to generation until today, it is located over the waters of the Apurimac River and belongs to the royal roads of the Qhapaq Ñan, also It is known as the last Inca bridge.

Today constant maintenance is carried out to preserve it, this process occurs as follows:

  • Day 01: It begins with the celebration of the "Apu Quinsallallawi", this ceremony takes place at dawn and consists of the collection of Ichu which will be used in the braiding with the participation of women and under the supervision and help of a weaving specialist called " Chakaruwak”.
  • Day 02: The existing bridge must be disarmed, the stone nails that support it are removed from both sides and then the 4 braided ropes that function as the main support are placed.
  • Day 03: On this day, the laying and braiding is done with the terminus of the passageway (bases of the bridge) and the handrails on both sides.
  • Day 04: The best way to end this process is with a celebration including food and typical dances of the place. After the hard work, the completion of the Q'eswachaka bridge is celebrated with food and typical dances.

What's Included?

  • Detailed briefing: It takes place before the start of the service (The briefing is a complete orientation, explaining everything about the tour. In addition, any questions you may have about it will be clarified).

  • First level guide: Professional tour guide specialized in hiking tourism (English/Spanish).

  • Tourist transport: Travel by tourist transport from Cusco to the Q'eswachaka bridge and vice versa.

  • Foods: Breakfast is standard and lunch is buffet style, with a variety of Peruvian and local food.

  • Entrance tickets: Entrance ticket to Q'eswachaca.

Not Included
  • Foods: These can be requested.
  • Personal expenses and Tips: How to buy handicrafts, clothes, drinks, etc. Tips are not included either, these are voluntary according to the service received.

What To Bring?


Small backpack, rain poncho (January and February – rainy season), warm clothes.

Health and Care

Sunscreen, sunglasses, insect repelent, sun hat, Small towel, Bottled water, Personal medication.

Useful Items

Passport, Cash in soles, Camera, charging cord, Extra batteries.

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+51 992 457 489

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