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Mountain of Colors Palcoyo

Full Day Tour




1 Day


5,000 mts


Combapata, Cusco


The Mountain of Colors Palcoyo 1 day is an excellent alternative to get to know a mountain of colors without so much physical demand. Its location in front of the highest snow-capped peak in Cusco and on top of a mountain make it an experience worth doing at least once in a lifetime. During the tour we can have fantastic views of the snow-capped mountains that surround this place and of the beautiful flora.

This experience is intended for all people who have an adequate and optimal state of health in the face of the necessary requirement, you can do it individually to be able to meet new people, as a couple or with friends with whom to share emotions and also as a family to live a unforgettable adventure.

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Why book this tour?
Connect with the nature of the Palcoyo Mountain.
Reach a new record, reaches 5000 msnm.
Surprise yourself with the mysterious colors of the Palcoyo Mountain.
Summary Itinerary

Day 01: Mountain of Colors Palcoyo

  • 05:00 – 05:20 Pick up from your hotel and start of the experience heading to the South Valley.
  • 09:00 – 10:00 Arrival at the Palcoyo sector and free time to have our breakfast.
  • 10:00 – 12:00 Start of the experience walking to reach the mountains of Colors of Palcoyo. Upon arrival we will enjoy amazing panoramic views, mainly of the highest snow-capped peak in all of Cusco, the imposing Ausangate.

    We will enjoy some free time in the place to enjoy the landscape, take pictures and breathe the fresh air that this beautiful natural space offers us.

  • 12:00 – 14:00 We return by the same road to reach our transport, from there we will be transported to the town of Checacupe where we will enjoy our box lunch and we will be able to observe the beautiful Inca Bridge in Checacupe. Finally we return to Cusco.
  • The end point in Cusco is at Plaza San Francisco at approximately 5:00 p.m.
Detailed Itinerary

Our experience allows us to feel more intense and beautiful emotions due to the fantastic views we have, enjoying the comfort in each space and the necessary security, the places we will visit are:

  • Palcoyo Mountain: This natural wonder is located in the Combapata sector, it is at a height similar to the Mountain of Colors, so it is always necessary to have prior acclimatization to carry out this experience without a problem. It is considered a natural destination, there are three mountains of ocher and red colors, with green, blue and white stripes, the dazzling Rainbow Mountain of Palcoyo is visited by a few travelers a day because many are unaware of its existence but the beauty it hides is equal to the Mountain of colors. In addition, those who have already visited it comment that it is a unique and unforgettable experience and they feel very happy.
  • Checacupe Bridge: Located within the South Valley of Cusco. On one side of the Pitumarca River, always abundant in that area, it passes through 2 bridges. The colonial bridge that was built in the 17th century by order of King Carlos III of Spain. It is a bridge made of stone and joined lime mortar, and adorned on its surface by a layer of pebbles. In the Colonial period it should have been considered as the execution of a work of high engineering and that it was necessary to carry out because this allowed the council of Checacupe to collect taxes. Next to the colonial bridge, there is still what was an old Inca bridge, very similar to the one in Qeswachaka. Although it seems deteriorated, from time to time it has a maintenance. In the Inca period, it is likely that it was built during the government of the Inca Wiracocha and that it was part of the great Qhapac Ñan. This was the route that led from Cuzco to Collasuyo.
  • Raqchi: Located in the South Valley of Cusco, it is part of the district of San Pedro. This place was a settlement of Inca dwellings and enclosures dedicated to the god Wiracocha, considered the creator god of the world according to many Andean cultures. According to records and studies, this place was ordered to be built from the 8th Inca ruler (Huiracocha) to the 10th Inca ruler (Túpac Yupanqui). But other studies also find remains of ceramics that are from cultures pre-existing the Incas, this refers to the fact that even before the Incas, the Raqchi sector was considered a sacred place.The archaeological center has a variety of different sectors and the main ones are: 
  • Huiracocha Temple: This spectacular construction is one of the largest within the Inca Culture. It is an enclosure (only the walls remain), made of adobe and stone with a height of 20 meters. It has windows, doors and columns.
  • Greater Inca Temple: This enclosure is similar to the Temple of Huiracocha. Due to the passage of time, only the stone and adobe foundations of the enclosure can be seen.
  • Colcas (warehouses): They are small circular constructions that were used to store food. Up to 156 colcas were counted in this sector. Each of these had the mission of maintaining food for the empire's visitors and messengers (chaskis).
  • Recintos: These buildings were dwellings of the inhabitants. In Raqchi it has a total of 22 precincts located.
  • Water sources: These finely carved constructions were intended to provide water to the Raqchi sector. The fountain with the best finish is called Baños del Inca.
  • Qhapac Ñan: They are the network of royal roads that belong to the time of the Incas, they were the official roads through which the royal messengers traveled. As Raqchi was a kind of 'Chaskiwasi' (House of the messengers), it has a large number of royal roads.

What's Included?

  • Detailed briefing: It takes place before the start of the service (The briefing is a complete orientation, explaining everything about the tour. In addition, any questions you may have about it will be clarified).

  • First level guide: Professional tour guide specialized in hiking tourism (English/Spanish).

  • Tourist transport: Travel by tourist transport from Cusco to Combapata and vice versa.

  • Foods: Breakfast is standard and lunch is buffet style, with a variety of Peruvian and local food.

  • Entrance tickets: Entrance ticket to the Palcoyo Mountain.

Not Included
  • Foods: These can be requested.
  • Personal expenses and Tips: How to buy handicrafts, clothes, drinks, etc. Tips are not included either, these are voluntary according to the service received.

What To Bring?


Small backpack, rain poncho (January and February – rainy season), warm clothes.

Health and Care

Sunscreen, sunglasses, insect repelent, sun hat, Small towel, Bottled water, Personal medication.

Useful Items

Passport, Cash in soles, Camera, charging cord, Extra batteries.

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